So You Think You Can Teach?

A friend of mine… thinks I might be able to teach in my spare time. Just English… she’s given me all the details for who to contact regarding the job. Apparently they find you the students. I would probably only choose to teach English GCSE but A Level is also an option.
It’s not that I don’t think I can teach. I’m just a little nervous about it. So currently I haven’t contacted the person I’m meant to but to be honest I’ve been busy with my To Do List!

I finally made one because I’m trying something new. I’ve realised I’m a hoarder. I have clothing from 15 years ago. On Friday last week, I donated 7 bags to charity but my bedroom is still a bombsite and my clothing is literally all over the house. It drives my family nuts 🥜 so the plan is… I have 3 days to sort through the clothing. Most will be donated to charity. But it isnt just clothes. I have a ton of crap.

I’m planning to rearrange my room and potentially redecorate it but first I have to clean it.

Uni this week has been interesting. I had to leave early today and can’t attend tomorrow’s class due to a prior commitment but I’m really enjoying class because not only does my tutor ask the right questions to tease out a story… but it’s a story I never would have written prior to the class. He’s also great at being complimentary if he thinks it could be developed further as a Film or TV Script.

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Sumera Farman

Sumera Farman

Sumera believed she was born to be a journalist however she has since discovered she was born to write. Whether that was articles, poetry or creative writing. She graduated from Coventry University with a Masters Degree in Professional Creative Writing plus the course tutors prize for Excellence and Endeavour.

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About Me

Sumera has graduated from Coventry University with her Master of Arts in Professional Creative Writing. She also won the course tutors prize for Excellence and Endeavour.

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